Trial Day - Fanling Branch
Fun To Learn 粉嶺分校將於12月5日(星期日)首次舉辦免費試堂體驗日。歡迎K1至P.3的小朋友參與,加入我們Fun To Learn的大家庭! 課堂結束後,Fun To Learn 創辦人Ms Michelle將向家長們逐一講解並分析每位小朋友個別的英語能力及學...

Happy Thanksgiving 2021 !
We love celebrating Thanksgiving, it gives us time to ponder upon what lessons we learned and how we can spread happiness around, to look...

Fantastic job
Fantastic job, Brayden and Eunice! You must feel really proud of yourselves! We're very proud of you, Chester and Helios!...