Baby Step Phonics – Our Newest Course – 2021
Baby Step Phonics It is designed for toddlers and young English learners. It is meant to be a fun path to start their English learning...

Parents' Feedback | Hong Kong | Learning English at Fun To Learn
感謝Seth's parents 分享對讓小朋友在Fun To Learn學習英語的感想 "我的小朋友從K1開始來Fun To Learn學習,小朋友的表哥一直在這裡學習,他說在這裡學習得很愉快,我便來到中心了解一下。來到中心,看見很愉快的學習環境,非常吸引,及後知道是由外...

FunTastic Phonics - October
Congratulations, everyone!!! We are very proud of every single of you! #Phonics #certificate #FUNtoLearnPhonics English Learning Centre /...

Where do you like to go on holiday?
Where do you like to go on holiday? Our sweet student Harry quickly replied, "I like to go to Fun to Learn on my holiday." This boy has...

Great gift!
Thank you so much, Karina and Shellie’s mama! They look LOVELY! Our baby will feel loved for sure! e!

5 FUN Tips to Improve Your Child’s English.
1. Praise and encourage them with positive words. 2. Believe in them. 3. Read with them. 4. Use online resources in your favor. 5. ...

Congratulations, Sonya! We are proud of you!
In the face of positivism, not even the toughest of challenges can bring your determination down, and that's what happened with Sonya!...

Meet Our New Mascots: Mama Mia and Papa V !
Let's meet Mama Mia & Papa V! Seeing as tomorrow is Fun2Learn 3rd anniversary, we thought it about time for us to introduce our new...

One Step Closer to Our Students!
Being able to reach out for help with your English Learning progress is an important part of growing fast. Fun2Learn Academy knows this...

Our 3rd Anniversary !
Fun2Learn Academy is 3! How time flies! Anniversaries are a time to not just be thankful for the learning journey, but to appreciate...