Fun To Learn's idea is to create an English learning center with bright beautiful colors, sunny and a home-like environment. We focus on providing English-Learning programs for children who are from 2 to 14 years old. All of our English programs are carefully designed in order to suit different ages. Through different fascinating stories, role play, arts and crafts, games, circle time, show and tell, worksheet time and all activities are meant to be fun as well as educational for the English learning process to flow smoothly.
FUN To LEARN is an Authorized Training Ambassador (官方授權培訓合作大使) of ETS TOEFL
Suitable For P.4-S.3 Students
TOEFL Junior 考試能夠評量考生在聆聽及閱讀方面的英語能力,以及篇章中的語法和詞彙知識,是一套穩定及客觀的英語評核工具,受全球許多領先的學術機構和語言課程信賴。
TOEFL Junior, a junior version of TOEFL, measures candidates’ English language proficiency in terms of listening and reading, as well as the grammatical and vocabulary knowledge toward the text. It is a stable and objective English assessment tool trusted by many of the world’s leading academic institutions and language courses.
1. Fun To Learn為TOEFL之授權培訓合作大使,官方認可之選
2. 多間美國學院採用TOEFL Junior考試作為入學依據
3. 對照歐洲語言學習架構,外國權威參考指標
4. 為升讀本地中學及出國留學之必備證書
5. 考試分數與國際標準(CEFR)對照
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
English FUNdation
Age Range: 3-6 years old (K1-K3)
Simplicity breeds fun when it comes to English learning. English Fundation is a very unique course designed by Fun To Learn English Learning Centre which is aimed at developing children’s English and their general knowledge at the same time. Fun To Learn's goal is to enhance children’s self-confidence in using English by selecting different topics each week to increase their English vocabulary. This course features a unique range of teaching mediums including videos, stories, songs, games, role play and practical activities, thereby creating an everlasting English learning experience for the kids. If you are looking for a course that gives your kid an added English competitive course while they are young, the English FUNdation course is for you!
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)
FUNtastic Phonics
Age Range: 3-6 years old (K1-K3)
Being able to pronounce English words the right way is of paramount importance. Here's how Fun To Learn's FUNtastic Phonics class adds to your child's English learning progress.
Phonics Reading: With Fun To Learn English curriculum, children are taught to read by blending the English letter sounds in regular words, for example: ‘P-i-n’ is ‘pin’.
Digraphs: They will be introduced to over 40 letter sounds and 26 letters. This means that the digraphs - in which two letters make one sound - are used. It is important for these young English learners to blend words containing digraphs properly to learn proper English.
Writing & Spelling: Kids will be also taught to hear the sounds of words while learning to write the appropriate English letters for those sounds. They will have the chance to practice writing English words regularly. In this Fun To Learn program, these young learners will be taught many methods to remember English spelling easily.
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)
Audio Sample of our Circle Time.
Let's have a look at our booklets.
Cambridge English
Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE)
Examinations are a reliable and consistent measure of how well your child is doing in the English skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. These English examinations are designed to make English learning fun. At Fun To Learn, kids are encouraged to gain confidence in English by working towards English certificates and earning the "Shields" that record their progress.
There are three levels for children to work through, which are STARTERS, MOVERS and FLYERS.
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)
Pre-Primary Grammar & Writing
Age Range: K3 Students
What you should know about English learning?
In general, primary schools expect children to enter Primary One with the following proficiency:
*Reading with articulatory and auditory phonetics
*Write with knowledge of all 26 alphabets in both capital and lowercase letters
*Knowledge of reading and spelling simple English words (vocabulary)
*Know how to construct simple English sentences (grammar)
That's what Fun To Learn offers your kids with this course. This English course helps students build a solid foundation in English grammar, building them up to be well prepared to excel greatly at their primary schools.
Now, let’s learn English grammar and writing in a fun and effective way at Fun To Learn English!!!
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)
Grammar and Writing
Age Range : 6-10 years old
This English learning course is suitable for local primary students in Hong Kong who want to improve their English writing proficiency and also excel at their grammar skills. Fun To Learn's English grammar course teaches English grammar by helping our students to understand the components of a sentence. This is achieved in a fun and interactive way so as not to let the child feel overwhelmed by the intricacies of the English language. The basics of sentence structure (nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives) are taught in this particular course. Various other activities offered by Fun To Learn, such as paragraph writing and reading comprehension, are taught to develop the creative English writing skills of the child. This course is suitable for children between 6 – 10 years.
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)
Fun 2 Chat Chat Room
Age Range : 3-10 years old
Fun 2 Chat Chat Room is a fun, interesting and entertaining speaking course, it immerses kids in an English ONLY environment where they can absorb and acquire an abundance of essential English skills. Kids in these lessons can learn different vocabulary about random topics and proper pronunciation of different words. Activities added to this English ONLY course by Fun To Learn include story-telling, self-presentation, show and tell, speech, interviews, etc…
Class Length: One and a half hour (60 minutes)
Course Fee: $720 (4 lessons)
Fun 2 Grow Playgroup
Age Range: 1.5 - 3 years old
故事聆聽:幼兒透過故事不但能擴濶視野,接觸身邊以外的人事物,更藉著故事提升幼兒的理解能力、詞彙數量、句式表 達、連接詞運用、敍述能力、解難能力、推理能力及創造力。
唱遊律動:幼兒唱遊時隨著唱歌學習運用聲線,如大細聲,透過音樂旋律擺動身體,感受音樂高低、強弱、快慢,如拍手、 叉腰、點頭、扭腰、擺頭、伸腿、拍腿、招手等,幼兒在簡易而有節奏的動作中逐步理解音樂的旋律和節奏。
美藝創作:美藝創作啟發幼兒創意思維,幼兒運用不同的美勞物料進行創作活動,感受美藝活動的樂趣,並欣賞其他幼兒作 品,培養欣賞別人的態度。
小食嘗試:幼兒製作小食時,能嚐試不同食物的味道,同時,讓幼兒知道食物需要珍惜,不要浪費,並且培養幼兒不偏食的 習慣。
感統遊戲:感覺統合遊戲能加強幼兒感官的敏感度,如視覺、觸覺、聽覺、味覺、前庭平衡覺、筋肉關節感等,幼兒透過感 統遊戲,產生對外在環境的接觸,促進幼兒與環境的互動,提高兒童學的專注力及身體協調能力。
英語互動:多聽多說是學習第二語言的重要元素,幼兒透過與英語老師互動唱歌、遊戲及對話,能加強幼兒學習英語的能 力,並透過英語說故事,加強兒童對英語的興趣。
Hooray! Playgroups have a lot to offer in English learning.
During this 1-hour playgroup, your child can:
~Learn English
~Socialize and play with other toddlers
~Learn by singing and taking part in appropriate activities
~Learn by playing with our specially selected developmental toys
~Have fun learning to say and listen to Phonetic sounds
~Have lots of fun with our arts and crafts
~Learn classroom skills: sharing, taking turns, class routine
This unique English playgroup teaches toddlers how to communicate, play together and make friends,
while applying what they have learnt in English to their relationships with one another.
Fun 2 Grow Will help prepare your child for their next step to pre-nursery or kindergarten.
Class Length: One hour (60 minutes)
Course Fee: $800 (4 lessons)
Genki English ESL Program
Age Range: 3-14 years old
Genki English ESL Program has over 100 lesson plans to get your kids speaking English with superhero confidence!
As we believe that a fun game with a purpose is the best way to learn, Genki English ESL Program makes English learning a whole lot faster and smarter. There are tons of fascinating songs, stories and exciting games to make children feel relaxed, comfortable, engaged and motivated to take part in English learning.
Children also get to learn Phonics during their Genki lessons, Genki Phonics is the method that was researched by Harvard University Graduate School of Education.
The whole program is researched by Harvard University Graduate School of Education & The University of Oxford Department of Education. Genki English ESL Program is Licensed by the British Council around the world.
Class Length: One and a half hour (90 minutes)
Course Fee: $880 (4 lessons)