Solid foundation in English
We have non-readers who become competent readers after joining our courses, we also have students who come with a solid foundation in English and improve significantly in time. Eunice's reading ability has always been above average, and with the aid of both our #English FUNdation and FUNtastic #Phonics courses, she can manage to read and spell more and more difficult words. Now, she can even do sentences for dictation! It has been such a joy to have you in our classes, Eunice!
我們有不少學生在我們課程的幫助下,從零基礎的非閱讀者,漸漸成為能聽、能講、能閱讀的小朋友。我們亦有不少英語能力和底子比較好,英語觸覺與學習能力比較強的小朋友在我們課程的幫助下,有顯著的進步。我們的K3學生Eunice的閱讀能力一直都處於中上,亦漸漸培養了愛看英文圖書的好習慣,在English FUNdation及FUNtastic Phonics兩者的幫助底下,她不但能拼讀出越來越多比較深的生字,甚至已